What the fluff is social selling, anyway?

admissions customer journey marketing sales call selling Apr 09, 2024

and.. do we really have to do it..? 😩*

Alright, folks, let’s chat about something called social selling. Imagine chatting over a cuppa with your mate, and they start raving about this nifty gadget they just got. You’re all ears, right? Well, social selling is a bit like that, but online. It’s when businesses use social media not just to say, "Buy our stuff!" but to actually get to know their potential customers, chat with them, and share useful bits and bobs that might help them out.

The Simple Scoop on Social Selling

Imagine you're scrolling through your socials and spot a conversation about needing a new widget (because, let’s face it, we all need a good widget now and then). If you’re a widget seller, this is your cue! But instead of jumping in with a “Buy my widget!” (darling, lets not be crass..) you might share a tip on choosing the best widget or why widgets are a game-changer. It’s about being helpful, not pushy.

Why Bother with Social Selling?

So, is it worth the effort? In a word, yes, particularly for business-to business (eg school-to-agent, or agent-to-group leader of HR person). Here’s why:

1. It’s All About Making Friends (Sort of):
Traditional marketing is shouting into a megaphone and hoping someone listens. Social selling? It’s more like a friendly chat over the garden fence. You're reaching out directly to potential customers, sharing a laugh or a piece of advice, and just being a decent human being. Before you know it, you’re not just a business; you’re a pal they trust. And trust leads to sales. If you want some good examples of chatty social convos in the education sector, check out Susan 🇬🇧 Fang Rachel Kimber Daniel Disney Daniel Cohen Sarah Capewell and many more.

2. Stalking (But the Good Kind):
Okay, maybe stalking is a strong word. Let's call it 'research'. Social selling lets you eavesdrop on your potential partners' conversations (in a totally non-creepy way). What do they need? What bugs them about the current widgets on the market? Use what you learn to make your widgets (and your pitches) irresistible. More suitable for the business to business side.

3. Cha-Ching! More Dough:
Here’s the bottom line – social selling can lead to more enrolments and leads. Why? Because people buy from people they like and trust. And by being an all-around helpful and likeable presence on social media, you're opening doors to conversations that could turn into sales down the track.

How to Nail Social Selling

1. Be a Chatterbox (Sort of):
Jump into conversations about your industry, but keep it cool. Offer advice, answer questions, and share insights without always trying to sell something.

2. Know Thy Customer:
Use social media to get to know what your customers really want and need. Then, tailor your products and conversations to meet those needs.

3. Patience, Grasshopper:
Social selling isn’t about instant gratification. It’s a slow burn, building relationships that turn into sales over time.

In the end, social selling is about being genuine, helpful, and patient. It’s not rocket science, but it does take a bit of elbow grease and a lot of heart. Give it a whirl, and who knows? You might just find yourself with a bunch of new mates—and customers!

*no, you don't 'have to' do anything, I only give guidance and best practice, I'm not your mother.. do it or don't do it..🤷♀️

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