Top Sales Performers – do you push them more?

Feb 20, 2024

What if your top performer increased their sales by 5% ? Or even 2%? What difference would that make to your business?

They’re hitting their targets, selling well and bringing home the bacon. So generally, your top sales performer is left alone. Pay them the cash, say well done and hope they carry on doing whatever they’re doing. After all, as a sales leader, you have others in the team to develop and get up to speed. And that’s on top of all the other admin you must do.

However, everyone is human. Your top performer WILL coast at some point, and plateau for a while. And that’s ok, sales is a performance sport, and rest days are important too. But leave it too long, without further development and coaching and they’ll become bored and move on to a new challenge (competitor?), or at best, continue to coast when further sales are able to be made.

If they are the best you have at bringing in business, and they can grow that by even a few percentage points, why are you not investing in evolving them? Surely you owe it to them to keep them engaged, motivated, pushed?

Top performers will need a different input from their leaders. If they’re hitting target, what other challenges do they need to keep interest and engagement? Have you considered this or are you busy managing a diverse team with different skillsets, and leaving your superstar to crack on as they are doing well already?

Think about the individuals in your sales team, one-to-ones are vital, regularly, to keep your team motivated, focused on your goals and engaged. That applies to the top performers just as well as the mid- and  lower performers. If you need help in this, or an injection of No Fluff coaching in the team or with an individual, just get in touch.


If you're interested in having a chat to find out how I can help you increase sales or to just get to know each other, then please book in a call!


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