What the Fluff is..'outbound' and 'inbound' sales!?

inbound sales increasing enrolments outbound sales sales skills sales techniques sales training Apr 24, 2024

You may not realise we have different ways of talking about sales. In bigger corporations you'll have some people that excel at 'inbound' and others at 'outbound'. In the education sector, however, you have to be good at EVERYTHING! So, let's at least learn what the difference is and if we can improve our own skills within a two minute read, shall we?



Inbound sales is like that popular kid in school who everyone wants to be friends with. They just chill out, looking cool, and people naturally gravitate towards them. They send out a few messages, work on their SEO, kick back, and wait for the fish to bite. If ONLY all of us were this cool kid. But then they wouldn't be cool, they'd be ordinary.



Outbound sales, on the other hand, is that friend who isn’t afraid to ask someone if they can take a photo/can use that chair/want to go on a date. They’re the go-getters, picking up the phone, firing off emails, and knocking on doors. Think of outbound sales as the bold treasure hunters, armed with a map and plenty of sun screen and mozzie spray, setting out to discover uncharted territories and hidden gems (aka new clients). 


Reacting vs. Reaching Out

Our inbound heroes are reactive. They will happily reply to enquiries, give the information out and respond well.

Outbound treasure hunters are proactive. 

They’re out there, braving the wilds of the market, armed with nothing but their wits, some gorgeous brochures and a well-curated contact list. They’re not waiting and hoping (or posting and praying as someone once called it).


Comfort Zone vs. The Great Unknown

Inbound sales is cozy. It's the epitome of comfort zone in sales. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I love a bit of comfort, and if you are at full fee-paying capacity then - bring on the cozy. 

Outbound sales? Think of it as joining a new club where you're yet to make friends. It's full of people that are highly likely to find you FABULOUS. It's exciting, full of potential, and yes, it takes a bit of courage – but just a sprinkle. 


The Harmony of Both Worlds

Here's the twist, though – the best sales team consists of those strong in both areas. And your strategy isn’t about choosing one over the other; it's like tea and biscuits – better together! Inbound is your steady, reliable base, while outbound adds that zest of excitement and opportunity - and if you need more opportunities - then you'll need to brush up on your 'outbound'.

So, dear admissions and salesfolk, embrace the harmony of both worlds. Don't just 'react' if you need to enrol more students (paying students). Be the versatile superhero who can chill out and attract pupils, but also pop on the cape and work on your 'outbound'. Follow up old leads. Ask for referrals. Go talk to strangers! 


Hello, I'm Nicola Lutz and I'm a sales trainer, mentor and coach, specifically for the education sector. I help schools, counsellors and service providers gain more enrolments in an authentic, customer-led way with integrity. I have the credentials to back it up - I have 28 years of experience in study abroad of selling, sales management, sales directorship and training and coaching. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Sales Professionals and hold the Ethical Selling Certification.

If you'd like to work with me, just DM me and we can chat away!

If you're interested in having a chat to find out how I can help you increase sales or to just get to know each other, then please book in a call!


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