Swipe Right for Sales: The Surprising Parallels Between Dating and Selling

cold calling handling rejection sales technique Feb 14, 2024

What can we learn from 'dating' to help our sales?

Ever found yourself 'swiping left' , wondering why that pitch perfect meeting didn't call you back? Well, it's Valentine's Day 💘, and I've been thinking: what if the secret to acing our conversion game was hiding in the art of dating?

(full disclosure.. I had to ask my adult kids which swipe was which!) 

Ready to make your sales strategy the one everyone swipes right on? 💌


1. First Impressions Are Your Wingman

Remember showing up for a date dressed to impress, with a spritz of your favourite scent? That's because you know first impressions count. In sales, it's no different. Whether it's your appearance, your pitch, or your digital presence, make it sharp. After all, you wouldn't show up to a date in your pajamas, right? (Unless it's a pajama-themed party, then you're just ahead of the curve!)

This is for every single interaction - an outbound email, a response on a phone call, a form on your website. Make it count.

2. Listen More Than You Talk

Ever been on a date where the other person does all the talking. No questions for you. No interest. You'd probably check out faster than you can hit 'book a ride' on Uber. The same goes for sales. It's about them, not you. Listen to their needs, pains, and dreams. It's the only way to truly connect and, eventually, provide a solution that feels tailor-made.

(personal side story: I once was on a date where I showed interest, asked questions and listened so well the guy ended up crying. Perhaps I overdid it!?😬)

 3. Trust Takes Time

You wouldn't propose on the first date (I assume), so why rush the sales process? Building trust takes time and consistency. Be the reliable partner who's there, rain or shine. Over time, this builds a foundation stronger than any quick win could. Don't rush to the 'close'. Nurture.

(another personal side story: A date I had after many weeks of texting back and forth, and he told me on the first in-person date that I was his dream woman and he couldn't wait to grow old together 😶)

4. Rejection Is Part of the Game

Not every date leads to a second one, and that's okay! Rejection, while not the highlight of our days, is a chance to learn and grow. Each "no" is one step closer to a "yes" that really matters. So, dust yourself off and keep going. The right match is out there. Resilience is key.


So, remember that selling, much like dating, is about building genuine connections, understanding, and trust. And while we're at it, let's keep our pitches fluff-free and our strategies sharp.

Got a story where you applied a dating principle to your sales approach? Or perhaps a funny sales date gone wrong? I'm all ears! 

Until next time, keep swiping right on those sales opportunities!

If you're interested in having a chat to find out how I can help you increase sales or to just get to know each other, then please book in a call!


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